Hey Errybody! LOL! What’s up all my Facebook amigos? You doing good? You’re about to be doing better! I’m going…
Browsing: Articles
I’ve been working on this screenplay for almost a year now, and even though it’s still in the brainstorming phrase…
The-I-Was-Playing-With-My-Camera-and-It-Accidentally-Took-This-Flattering-Picture-of-Me Nature Preserve North-Central New Mexico The NPS is thrilled to welcome visitors to the hidden gem nestled among the…
Here at Robot Butt, we are always impressed with the insightful nature of our audience, and we want to share…
President Donald Trump recently claimed that he received telephone calls from the head of the Boy Scouts and the Mexican…
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have…
As we bid The Mooch ado, here’s what the fine and upstanding human beings on reddit.com/r/The_Donald have to say: “He’s like a…
Common rules of human decency, neighborly courtesy and societal contracts dictate that we should pick up after our canine best…
Hello, Americans! I’m Raúl Labrador, Idaho Republican congressman, member of the House Freedom Caucus, and 2018 gubernatorial candidate. It’s easy…
1. The average age of the 1,300 audience members is 57. The average color is white. You sit among 1,300…