My name is Rover and I’m a good pup. This is my truth. My last day at the Paw Patrol…
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DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL REVENUE SYSTEMSIssue Date: June 7, 2022Please refer to the following number when making inquiries: 97000984 Dear MAMA…
Honey Bear, my love. Take a seat on one of the tree stumps over here. Me and the cubs wanted…
The Harlem Globetrotters have garnered infamy for over eight decades through the terrible acts they commit every time they step…
We’ve all been there – you want to tickle your new die-hard dude with a treat he’ll love. But he’s…
Can you tell which of these common scenarios refers to a sexual encounter, and which ones are referring to the…
Disclaimer: I am not a professional, but I do have over 12,000 followers on Instagram (follow me at @therelaxationgurrrrl696969) and…
As a rich and famous professional golfer, I don’t have it easy like other professional athletes. I actually have to…
Dear Short People, The vertically challenged community has been breathing up my neck for a while, so I felt I…
I wake to the wrong sleep paralysis demon on my chest. Mine, Gladys, looks like a microwaved boghag and talks like a…