It’s been a tough year for gun rights advocates such as myself. There have been over three hundred mass shootings.…
Browsing: Politics
Historically low approval ratings Using children’s insurance as a bargaining chip Using racism advantageously A cameo in Home Alone 2…
As a journalist, it’s my duty to share all sides of the human story without bias, diving deep into what…
“How Far I’ll Go” (Moana) – Performed by Rudy Giuliani “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” (Toy Story) – Performed by…
“I’m not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-Termite” – Louis Farrakhan Hi anti-Semites! I’m exhausted trying to keep up with your fun…
Merriam-Webster defines winning as gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition. The best way to…
My Joseph is the quintessential perfect white son. I worry about him, his freedom and sense of agency, and the…
“But while [the authors] conclude that it is technically possible to achieve the rapid changes required to avoid 2.7 degrees…
#BePlagiarist #BeConduitForYourParentsChainMigration #BeGardeningInHeelsAndNotHandHolding #BeFashionablyToneDeaf #BePartOfTheResistanceButNotReallyAtAll #BeUnflappableButNotLikeInAGoodWay #BeBodyDouble #BeDismissiveOfYourHusbandsAffairs #BeReadyWithALongTermDivorceStrategy #BeObjectOfScornAndSympathy #BeConcerenedAboutChildrenExceptThoseInCages #BeTheChangeYouWantToSeeInTheWorldButOnlyByEspousingEmptyPlatitudesNotByActuallyDoingAnything #BeInvisible #BeSupportiveInTheMostUnconvincingWayEver #BeAmbivalentButShockedWhenPeopleRealizeIt #BePassiveAggressiveButMostlyPassive #BeRestingBitchFace #BeWishingYouWereInNewYorkWhileLivingInWashingtonSleepingInASecondBedroom #BeAnEmptyShellFloatingThroughLifeCarriedByTheCurrentsOfTheOcean…
Are you tired of having to spend money every time you need a new car? Did you know there’s a…