By 3:16 a.m., all 2.5 million persons living within the thirteen colonies have awakened and begun the day. At exactly…
Welcome to Earth. Everyone should remain calm. Take cover where you can but the important thing is not to panic.…
Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard: Drive to Cape Cod and take the twenty-minute ferry to the island where the rich and famous…
You’re celebrating the Bangladeshi holiday of Ashari Purnima. You’re celebrating Guam, Samoan, and Filipino independence. You’re celebrating the colors red…
Hell yeah. July 4th. My favorite time of the year. I’m ready to throw on my American flag dude thong,…
BEWARE! They dress July 4th up in shiny spangles, but that’s just to draw your attention. They give you a…
WASHINGTON – In its annual report to Congress, the Pentagon today informed members of the Armed Services committee that the…
With the news full of images and videos from protests across the country, I can’t help but wonder what my…
I’ll be the first to tell you I couldn’t believe it wasn’t butter. Hell, I didn’t want to believe it.…
The Baby Wears Prada: The Richardsons are very particular about one thing – their six-month-old daughter will only wear Prada.…