Who doesn’t love the Chicago Bulls’ mascot Benny the Bull? What with his hysterical antics and genius sense of humor,…
Ever since Avengers: Endgame tore into theaters with a $357 million opening, the movie’s quest to dethrone Avatar as the…
As a worker at a job and a user of public transit, you’re inherently tangled up with people and modes…
We at Boeing are deeply concerned about passenger safety. That’s why as soon as our aircraft started dropping out of…
They said it couldn’t be done, but here I am: a man who had nothing nice to say and thus…
Screenshot/Twitter/Jeopardy! With his 21st win in a row, [James] Holzhauer has the second-longest winning streak in Jeopardy! history, putting him…
Ground yourself and just try to keep it in your pants today.The stars have aligned and decided no bras shall…
Source: Mike Mozart Are you one of the 46.6+ million Americans affected by mental illness each year? Whether you suffer…
I believed myself a kind person for offering seats, minding the position of my bag, and stepping out of the…
A Crazy-Ass Weasel Hat Will Be Worn By a Crazy, Weaselly Asshat A socialite will don a colossal hat comprised…