As a seahorse, I didn’t really have to be reminded that there are plenty of fish in the sea. What…
Congratulations on joining [INSERT FORTUNE 500 COMPANY NAME HERE]! During your first week here, it is expected that you are…
It’s me, the Halloween Grinch! You know, the person who loves to take pictures of the Halloween displays in my…
My Joseph is the quintessential perfect white son. I worry about him, his freedom and sense of agency, and the…
“But while [the authors] conclude that it is technically possible to achieve the rapid changes required to avoid 2.7 degrees…
Don’t worry, nosy stranger, there’s nothing that unusual about our harvest festival. All across the world, there are harvest festivals…
#BePlagiarist #BeConduitForYourParentsChainMigration #BeGardeningInHeelsAndNotHandHolding #BeFashionablyToneDeaf #BePartOfTheResistanceButNotReallyAtAll #BeUnflappableButNotLikeInAGoodWay #BeBodyDouble #BeDismissiveOfYourHusbandsAffairs #BeReadyWithALongTermDivorceStrategy #BeObjectOfScornAndSympathy #BeConcerenedAboutChildrenExceptThoseInCages #BeTheChangeYouWantToSeeInTheWorldButOnlyByEspousingEmptyPlatitudesNotByActuallyDoingAnything #BeInvisible #BeSupportiveInTheMostUnconvincingWayEver #BeAmbivalentButShockedWhenPeopleRealizeIt #BePassiveAggressiveButMostlyPassive #BeRestingBitchFace #BeWishingYouWereInNewYorkWhileLivingInWashingtonSleepingInASecondBedroom #BeAnEmptyShellFloatingThroughLifeCarriedByTheCurrentsOfTheOcean…
Dear Mom, You’re watching me write this from the bushes outside my window, but I’m pretending not to see you.…
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors is way better than it has any right to be. It expands…
If you’re like me, you’ve wondered how and why Hollywood continues to make non-animated movies about dogs. Haven’t all the…