1. My butthole doesn’t discriminate 2. My butthole has what most would say is a flattering haircut 3. When my butthole…
You’re in my Film 103 class, but you’re a girl. And since you’re a girl, I can’t help but wonder:…
WASHINGTON – Following the controversial and violent rally in Charlottesville and the counter-protests that have emerged in its wake, the various…
Dear HGTV, Look, I agreed to be on the Property Brothers’ show Property Brothers because my wife goes fucking apeshit…
Hey there potential student! Feeling down about all those students of color being accepted over you? Even though you worked…
1. Mooch, v. to beg or scrounge shamelessly; also, to lose a job, marriage, and dignity in a short period…
Hey Errybody! LOL! What’s up all my Facebook amigos? You doing good? You’re about to be doing better! I’m going…
I’ve been working on this screenplay for almost a year now, and even though it’s still in the brainstorming phrase…
The-I-Was-Playing-With-My-Camera-and-It-Accidentally-Took-This-Flattering-Picture-of-Me Nature Preserve North-Central New Mexico The NPS is thrilled to welcome visitors to the hidden gem nestled among the…