There’s no denying that my generation is fully responsible for the proliferation of one of the greatest brunch items known…
10. Will Smith Slaps Mel Brooks Over Hancock Dig (2025) Will Smith got himself in hot water again when he…
We’re only 4 months in! Don’t give up yet! Maybe later! But not yet! 2022 was a doozy. A real…
Here are our picks for the films that should win the major categories at this Sunday’s Academy Awards: Best Film…
Somewhere in North Jersey, in the cavernous bathroom of a more-money-than-taste mansion, Jon Bon Jovi blow-dries his hair and stares…
At the butt-crack of dawn, I hoofed it down Palm Canyon Drive to beat the crowd at the Schultzbucks coffee…
Can you believe this guy? Look at him! I don’t care if he is wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses…
The scientists here at Robot Butt have been hard at work doing the impossible. Finally creating a perfect tier list…
In the Time It Takes the Smart TV to Start… 6,487 people fell in love. 468 beloved parents shuffled off…
Downsizing: we’re firing you because we don’t have enough spare cash to pay the CEO’s year-end bonus. Restructuring: we can’t…